Kelab Jutawan (Ahli)

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Function of PIC circuit: Interface with module GSM/GPS LOCATOR.
PIC circuit will :

  1. Mention when the EngineOn/ Off .
  2. Mention when the Door Lock/Unlock.
  3. Mention when the Car was Move or Stop.
All the data will be send to the user Via SMS. The data include the Position/coordinate the Car. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

PCB design

Create module for IC SPX29302

These module used to regulate the voltage from the USB port and supply 3.3V to module FT232BL.
The advantage of these IC is it can adjust the output voltage.

Create module for IC FTDI232

the problem on 6/10/2010 occur because the PCB design for these IC connect proper to the wire.
to solve these problem, make the module drawing and link to the PCB drawing by using protues software.
The IC module as figure above.

The step to make these module using protues:
  1. Open the protues software.
  2. Make a box and pin connection.
  3. Make a devide after complete drawing.
  4. Key in all the data for the module.
  5. Add the PCB drawing.
  6. Check pin number on the module and PCB drawing.
  7. done.
 **refer ISIS help and tutorial on protues

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Projek Sarjana Muda


Objectives :
  • To build simple GPS locator device that can be affordable to all consumers.
  • Easy to install and used.
  • Easy to getting location coordinated by using SMS as SMS can reach out to any places almost instantly as long there is Mobile network coverage.
Expected Results :

When the user send out a command sms to obtain the location coordinates, gsm modem will activate the GPS module. Once the GPS module activated, its output goto GSM modem and from there to the user via sms. PIC used to show either module active or not.